Il futuro dei chatbot!

Spesso quando qualcuno mi intervista o parla con me dei chatbot, una delle domande più ricorrenti è:

“pensa che sostituiranno l’uomo?”

Io penso di no, e lo dico chiaramente alla fine di quest’intervista

è innegabile però che rappresentano un nuovo canale per entrare in contatto con i propri clienti, un nuovo touchpoint come piace chiamarlo ad Antonio Candela (amico e socio di hackBiz).

Gli studi parlano chiaro in merito ed  i numeri implicano che i chatbots continueranno a creare maggiore redditività per il mondo delle imprese.  Il mondo sta cambiando ed anche rapidamente!

Ne è convinto anhe Seth Louey – Founder di BotList la prima ed unica full cross-platform bot directory.

“The future is very bright for bots. We will see bots becoming more adopted in the near future and my prediction is that conversational apps (aka, bots) will merge with Augmented Reality.”

Date un occhio a questi insights:

  • CONVRG ran a survey via a chatbot experience giving away coupons. The response rate tripled compared to the traditional email survey.1

  • For Adidas women chatbot, in the first two weeks, 2,000 people signed up to participate, with repeat use at 80%. Retention after week one was 60%, which the brand claims far better compared to an app. 2

  • Thousands of people have used Just Eat’s chatbot since the launch in September. The average user spent 1.53 minutes interacting with the bot. 13.5% are repeat users – and improved awareness of Just Eat’s 27,600 partner restaurants. Data shows the chatbot drove a 266% higher conversion rate than interacting with an average social ad in November 2016. 3
  • Tec inStore launched a customer service chatbot. After one month of usage, chatbot had an 80% success rate. More than 1500 people have requested help from the chatbot. It reduced requests to the customer support. Chatbot received more than 1000 “Thank You” messages of 10000 total messages. 4
  • Original research from DigitasLBi conducted by Harris Poll showed that more than 1 in 3 Americans (37%) would be willing to make a purchase through a chatbot. Consumers would spend an average of $55.80 per purchase. 5
  • The number of countries that Facebook messengers are using chatbots in reached 2006
  • Average time saving per chatbot inquiry when compared with traditional call centers is 4+ minutes in chatbots for the banking & healthcare sectors. By 2022 $8 billion in cost savings is expected. 7
  • According to Business Insider report, 80% of businesses want chatbots by 2020. 8
  • According to Gartner chatbots will power 85% of all customer service interactions by the year 2020. The average person will have more conversations with bots than with their spouse. 9

[amazon_link asins=’B01N9ZOEML,1484231104,B0756Q8MW7,B004DMG8RU’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’antoniosavare-21′ marketplace=’IT’ link_id=’f25bdade-ac4b-11e7-bc6e-c55a798ab8a2′]

Interessante l’infografica di Oracle sui Chatbot:

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Io ci credo tantissimo tanto è vero che con hackBiz stiamo portando in giro il #chatbotdaytour per informare e formare su questa tematica.

Ed inoltre stiamo sviluppando BOT per  Facebook Messenger come quello di Food Makers che permette di cercare ricette o di trovare in base alla tua localizzazione un locale dove mangiare potendo scegliere tra varie categorie (sushi, asiatico, pub, pizza, etc)

Stiamo sperimentando sul campo come questi strumenti siano potenti, monitorando uso e interazioni con gli utenti.

Ah ovviamente quest’articolo non l’ho scritto io ma un Bot….:)




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